Copyright Act Compliance
Section 122T of the Copyright Act 1994 requires Xtreme Networks Limited (hereafter referred to as “Xtreme”) to retain specified types of information for specified lengths of time.
That section also requires Xtreme to protect the confidentiality of its account holders’ names and contact details by not releasing those details to a rights owner unless authorised by the account holder, or required by a Court or Tribunal.
In Accordance With Section 122T(4) Of The Copyright Act, Xtreme Has Fully Complied With Its Obligations Under Section 122T During The Period From 1 October 2023 To 30 September 2024.
Xtreme has:
Received 0 infringement referrals from rights holders;
Issued 0 infringement notices to account holders;
Received 0 challenges to infringement notices issued to account holders;
Recorded that 0 infringement notices have been cancelled;
Recorded that 0 infringement notices have expired;
Recorded that 0 orders were made under section 122P suspending an account holder’s account at Xtreme.